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  • Motherless Daughters, 20th Anniversary Edition

  • The Legacy of Loss
  • De : Hope Edelman
  • Lu par : Coleen Marlo
  • Durée : 13 h et 9 min

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Couverture de Motherless Daughters, 20th Anniversary Edition

Motherless Daughters, 20th Anniversary Edition

De : Hope Edelman
Lu par : Coleen Marlo
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    The classic New York Times best seller has helped millions of women cope with and heal from the grief of losing their mothers.  

    Although a mother's mortality is inevitable, no book has discussed the profound lasting and far reaching effects of this loss until Motherless Daughters, which became an instant classic. More than 20 years later, it is still the go-to book that women of all ages look to for comfort, help, and understanding when their mother dies. Building on interviews with hundreds of mother-loss survivors, Edelman's personal story of losing her mother, and recent research in grief and psychology, Motherless Daughters reveals the shared experiences and core identity issues of motherless women:

    • Why the absence of a nurturing hand shapes a woman's identity throughout her lifespan
    • How present day relationships are defined by past losses
    • How a woman can resolve past conflicts and move toward acceptance and healing
    • Why grief really is not a linear passage but an ongoing cyclical journey
    • How the legacy of mother loss shifts with the passage of time
    ©2014 Hope Edelman (P)2018 Tantor

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