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Couverture de Mother in Name Only: A Novel

Mother in Name Only: A Novel

De : Diana Kingsley
Lu par : Gila Zalon
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    Mother in Name Only is the transparent, sometimes painful, and always poignant portrait of Myrna Kaye—held inside for almost her entire life.

    Embark on a profound auditory voyage as Myrna Kaye shares her life's trials and triumphs in the poignant audiobook rendition of Mother in Name Only. Delve into Myrna's journey of healing and self-discovery in this captivating audiobook rendition of Mother in Name Only.

    She is a modern, educated woman who confesses her innermost reflections on a life sculpted in the ‘50s and ‘60s. Broken family bonds stalk her into adulthood, as a twice-violated wife and mother of three sons, one born during marriage but out of wedlock. The order by her husband to give him up for adoption and other harrowing secrets ticked like time bombs through the decades. Her fairy-tale reunion with one son after thirty-five years is interrupted by the nightmare same-night distancing of her other two sons.

    Through yoga, meditation, and personal growth practices, Myrna makes peace with a violent past and a mother's struggle with loving her children so much, enough to let them go. Healing complicated grief, overwhelming depression, and unspeakable loss through self-forgiveness, she is liberated. Discovering her Higher Power through Twelve-Step programs, Myrna saves herself, recovers superwoman strength, and triumphs in her spirituality.

    Join Myrna Kaye on her remarkable journey, and let her story inspire your own path of healing and self-discovery. Listen to the audiobook of Mother in Name Only and experience the transformative power of resilience and courage.

    ©2021 Diana Kingsley (P)2021 Diana Kingsley

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