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Couverture de Mo's Bows: A Young Person's Guide to Start-Up Success

Mo's Bows: A Young Person's Guide to Start-Up Success

De : Moziah Bridges, Daymond John, Tramica Morris
Lu par : Moziah Bridges
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    A young person's guide to starting your own business written by a successful kidpreneur!

    Running a successful business can be hard for anyone, but 17-year-old Moziah Bridges has becomes a pro at it. His company, Mo's Bow's, is what today's "kidpreneurs" dream of achieving - a successful business selling a product that one loves and is passionate about. In his audiobook, Mo will share his BOWS of Business: Believe in yourself, take the Opportunity to give back, Work hard/study hard, and have Support from friends and family. He knows there is a Mo's Bows in every household - kids just need someone to help nurture their talents.

    Aimed at young teens, Mo's audiobook will share his journey to success and reveal all the ups and downs and important lessons he learned along the way - as well as provide prescriptive information and tips on how to start your own business and succeed. This will be an inspirational, fun audiobook that will show kids just like Mo how to achieve their dreams. Complete with a foreword by New York Times best-selling author Daymond John, this audiobook is sure to inspire budding young entrepreneurs to achieve their business goals.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2019 Moziah Bridges, Daymond John, and Tramica Morris (P)2019 Running Press Kids
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "This up-and-coming creative will definitely inspire many young people with his positive, confidence-boosting startup guide." (Kirkus Reviews)

    "It's refreshing to see a book that acknowledges the creativity and budding business sense of young people.... [T]he content is fun and informational." (School Library Journal)

    "[D]elivered via engaging, personal examples that should resonate with readers. This appealing, photo-illustrated manual from a charismatic role model offers sound advice, useful for supporting finance units and encouraging neophyte tycoons." (Booklist)

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