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  • Mornings with Madden

  • De : Stan Bunger
  • Durée : 8 h et 30 min

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Mornings with Madden

De : Stan Bunger
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    An intimate and freewheeling portrait of John Madden through the NFL legend's own words

    John Madden is synonymous with football. He was the television face and voice of the nation’s most popular sport, the namesake of its best-selling sports video game, and the man with the highest career winning percentage of any NFL coach.

    Despite his international fame, there was a side of Madden known only to those who listened to morning radio broadcasts in the San Francisco Bay Area. That’s where Madden grew up, lived, and died. It's where for decades he found joy in a daily chat with his hometown radio station: a chance to unwind, tell stories, and impart his own brand of wit and wisdom.

    In Mornings With Madden, Stan Bunger—the man most often on the other side of the mic—illuminates this larger-than-life figure, drawing upon memories of more than fifteen years of daily broadcasts, backed up by thousands of recordings of those conversations. Listeners who adored Madden’s football acumen and quirky personality on NFL broadcasts will get to know the father, husband, bad golfer, dog owner, lover of roadside diners, and philosopher whose personality dominated our radio chats.

    Featuring moving reflections alongside Madden's own words, this is a treasure trove of wry observations, self-deprecating humor, clear-eyed thinking about sports and society, and the “Maddenisms” that endeared the legendary coach to millions.

    ©2024 Stan Bunger (P)2024 Recorded Books

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