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  • More Than Your Trauma

  • A Personal Growth Journey for Young Black Women, Restoring Your Inner Child & Inner Peace
  • De : Victoria Anderson
  • Lu par : Doreen Pierce
  • Durée : 4 h et 21 min

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More Than Your Trauma

De : Victoria Anderson
Lu par : Doreen Pierce
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    Are you looking to create a safe space where you can process your trauma and
    embrace healing?

    Would you like to learn how to confront societal pressures effectively, build your
    resilience, and prioritize yourself? If you’ve been looking for a book that will empower you to
    embark on a journey of personal growth and transformation, your search ends here.

    More Than Your Trauma is more than just a book about self-discovery for African American women. It’s a comprehensive guide designed to help you accept your ignored experiences, reflect on your struggles, and embrace vulnerability as a path to personal growth and transformation—something that we’re often made to feel guilty about.

    Not only will your position be acknowledged, but you’ll finally learn how to tap into the power of
    self-care, self-affirmation, and healing to build a life of fulfillment and empowerment. Through
    this thought-provoking guide, you’ll embrace the importance of prioritizing mental and emotional
    well-being during adversity, ultimately bringing out the best version of yourself.

    You’ll discover:

    • Strategies you can start implementing right now to better understand your inner child, reparent
      it, and give it the healing it deserves, no matter how challenging this has been for you in the
    • Self-affirmations to help you take care of your mental and emotional health, remain unshakeable during your healing journey, and relieve your trauma anxiety.
    • Through relatable anecdotes coupled with practical and simple techniques, you’ll be empowered to make positive changes in your life. No more feeling like you have to go against the grain and fight twice as hard to make it in society—your path to empowerment and fulfillment begins today.

    Experience the powerful journey of rediscovering your inner child and finding peace within through More Than Your Trauma.

    ©2024 Michelle Fleming (P)2024 Michelle Fleming

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