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Couverture de More Than Maybe

More Than Maybe

De : Erin Hahn
Lu par : P. J. Ochlan, Rachel L. Jacobs
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    "Like your favorite song, More Than Maybe burrows inside your heart and stays there. Vada and Luke's story of music, family, and first love will shoot to the top of your book playlist. A rich, sweet, rock and roll ride." (Kathleen Glasgow, New York Times best-selling author of Girl in Pieces and How to Make Friends with the Dark)

    Growing up under his punk rocker dad’s spotlight, 18-year-old Luke Greenly knows fame and wants nothing to do with it. His real love isn’t in front of a crowd, it’s on the page. Hiding his gift and secretly hoarding songs in his bedroom at night, he prefers the anonymous comfort of the locally popular podcast he co-hosts with his outgoing and meddling, far-too-jealousy-inspiringly-happy-with-his-long-term-boyfriend twin brother, Cullen. But that’s not Luke’s only secret. He also has a major unrequited crush on music blogger Vada Carsewell.

    Vada’s got a five-year plan: secure a job at the Loud Lizard to learn from local legend (and her mom’s boyfriend) Phil Josephs (check), take over Phil’s music blog (double check), get accepted into Berkeley’s prestigious music journalism program (check, check, check), manage Ann Arbor’s summer concert series, and secure a Rolling Stone internship. Luke Greenly is most definitely not on the list. So what if his self-deprecating charm and out-of-this-world music knowledge makes her dizzy? Or that his brother just released a bootleg recording of Luke singing about some mystery girl on their podcast and she really, really wishes it was her?

    In More Than Maybe, Erin Hahn’s swooniest audiobook yet, Luke and Vada must decide how deep their feelings run and what it would mean to give love a try.

    A Macmillan Audio production from Wednesday Books

    ©2020 Erin Hahn (P)2020 Macmillan Audio


    "More Than Maybe is a love song to the 90s, mutual longing, and saving dive bars that feel like home. Vada and Luke's story speaks in songs like a mixtape from your crush." (Nina Moreno, author of Don't Date Rosa Santos)

    "A charming romance full of light and hope. Hahn has written a lyrical couple with substance that will make readers swoon." (Jenn Bennett, author of Alex, Approximately)

    "Like a perfect playlist, More Than Maybe shuffles from swoons to heartache and surprises to quiet joys. A wonderful, romantic mixtape of a novel." (Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka, authors of Always Never Yours and If I'm Being Honest)

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