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  • More Than He Bargained For

  • The Story of a Country Bachelor, and the Amish Girl Who Captured His Heart
  • De : Karen Whalen Gouker
  • Lu par : Joanna Parson
  • Durée : 11 h et 34 min

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More Than He Bargained For

De : Karen Whalen Gouker
Lu par : Joanna Parson
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    The love story of bachelor, John Hartman, and Amish girl, Katie Byler, unfolds between 1899 and 1901 in Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan. As children, they both attended the same one-room school, where John's best school chum was Katie's older brother, Danny. Years later, John and Katie become reacquainted at the auction sale of the Hartman family homestead. They experience an undeniable attraction to each other, and a spark is ignited between them.

    There are, however, complications that promise to be insurmountable. John is not Amish, and Katie is engaged to an Amish suitor who has her parents' approval. The marriage is to take place at the end of the month.Danny supports the budding romance he witnesses between John and Katie, pledging to stand by them through thick or thin. The obstacles confronting the couple are daunting. Will true love triumph in the end for John and Katie?

    ©2023 Karen Ann Gouker (P)2023 Karen Ann Gouker

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