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Couverture de Moore or Less

Moore or Less

De : LM Karen
Lu par : Lindsey Michelle
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    Emma and Luke are as different as business suits and dirty gardening tools. Get all the feels as they learn they have more in common than they assume.

    Emma is a modern day prodigal obsessed with the security that financial success brings. She’ll do anything to get her career to the next level, and she’s working herself to the bone to make it happen.

    Luke has a history he prefers not to share. Having experienced the best the world has to offer, he finds he prefers the simplicity of small town life.

    A confrontation with her estranged family removes Emma’s focus from work just long enough to get her questioning her faith and what a relationship with God might require. Finding solace in an unexpected hobby and friendship with a mysteriously grumpy gardener, Emma begins to understand her life may look different than she expected.

    Emma and Luke must both resolve the issues of the past before they can accept the hope God offers in a future together.

    Moore or Less is a clean and wholesome contemporary Christian romance with a happily ever after. This is the first book in The Moore Sisters Series of five books. Each book can be listened to separately as a standalone, but are better when heard together as a series.

    ©2021 LM Karen (P)2023 LM Karen

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