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Couverture de Moonshine Over Georgia

Moonshine Over Georgia

De : Chris Skates
Lu par : Gary Barboza
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    Based on actual events.

    As a small boy hunting in the deep Florida swamps, C.E. “Kid” Miller had to become a crack shot, or his five sisters would go hungry. Now, in the summer of 1946, Miller hunts Georgia moonshiners instead of game, and packs a Smith and Wesson instead of a double barrel.

    For the first 10 years of his career as a Revenue Agent, he and the moonshiners had a gentleman’s agreement–nobody pulled a gun. Since the big war ended, that’s all changed. The value of a gallon of moonshine is way up, as is the crime associated with it. Now, it seems everyone is getting trigger happy.

    John Wallace runs Meriwether County with an iron fist. When he threatens to commit murder, Miller takes it personally. When the notorious Upson County Liquor Gang, run by the Godfrey brothers, threaten his family, Miller goes to war. In his quest to bring these criminals to justice, Miller will reach across racial lines and form a bond that would last a lifetime.

    The moonshine business wasn’t all good ol’ boys and car chases. Sometimes, people got hurt...bad. C.E. Miller was determined to shut it all down.

    ©2023 Chris Skates (P)2023 Chris Skates

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