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  • Moonlite

  • The Tragic Love Story of Captain Moonlite and the Bloody End of the Bushrangers
  • De : Garry Linnell
  • Lu par : Ryan Corr
  • Durée : 9 h et 38 min

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De : Garry Linnell
Lu par : Ryan Corr
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    A gay bushranger with a love of poetry and guns. A grotesque hangman with a passion for flowers and gardening. A broken young man desperate for love and respect. These men - two of them lovers - are about to bring the era of Australia's outlaws to a torrid and bloody climax.

    Charismatic, intelligent, and handsome, George Scott was born into a privileged life in famine-wracked Ireland. His family lost its fortune and fled to New Zealand. There, Scott joins the local militia and after recovering from gunshot wounds, sails to Australia.

    One night he dons a mask in a small country town, arms himself with a gun and, dubbing himself Captain Moonlite, brazenly robs a bank before staging one of the country's most audacious jailbreaks.

    After falling in love with fellow prisoner James Nesbitt, a boyish petty criminal desperately searching for a father figure, Scott finds himself unable to shrug off his criminal past. Pursued and harassed by the police, he stages a dramatic siege and prepares for a final showdown with the law - and a macabre executioner without a nose.

    Novel-Like Non-Fiction
    Meticulously researched and drawing on previously unpublished material, Moonlite is a work of non-fiction that reads like a novel. Told at a cracking pace, and based on many of the extensive letters Scott wrote from his death cell, Moonlite is set amid the violent and sexually-repressed era of Australia in the second half of the 19th century.
    ©2020 Garry Linnell (P)2020 Penguin Random House Australia
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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