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Couverture de Moonlight Over Mayfair

Moonlight Over Mayfair

De : Anton Du Beke
Lu par : Thomas Judd, Anton Du Beke - introduction
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    'Downton with dance, perfect!' Santa Montefiore

    Prepare to be swept off your feet by this romantic and irresistible novel from Sunday Times bestselling author and Strictly Come Dancing star Anton Du Beke

    London, 1937.

    With a new king in place, tensions are rising in London and across Europe. Shaken by the Great Depression and with
    talk of another war coming, the Buckingham Hotel is trying to regain some stability.

    Upstairs, Vivienne Edgerton is desperate to do something worthwhile with her time and her stepfather's money, rather than spending it on frivolity and debauchery - but will this land her in even more trouble?

    And downstairs, chambermaid Nancy Nettleton is finally starting to feel more settled at the Buckingham, and hopes her brother will soon call London home, too. But she misses the man she loves, demonstration dancer Raymond de Guise, who is noticeably absent from the Grand Ballroom dance floor.

    The staff and guests of the Buckingham soon discover that in a hotel full of secrets, there's always someone listening . . .

    ©2019 Anton Du Beke (P)2019 Bonnier Books UK

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