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Couverture de Moody and the Beast

Moody and the Beast

De : Kristen Painter
Lu par : B.J. Harrison
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    Shadowvale isn’t your typical small-town America. The sun never shines, the gates decide who enters, magic abounds, and every resident bears some kind of curse.

    Exiled king of the goblins Robin Gallow has no choice but to live in Shadowvale. That was the deal he made with his ex-wife and current queen of the goblins in exchange for the antidote to the poison she gave him. Now, the town has become his prison, and his world is closing in on him. It’s enough to drive a man insane.

    Theodora “Moody” Middlebright wants nothing to do with Shadowvale or the royal beast she’s about to spend the next year of her life with. But her father owes the man a debt, and he’s too unwell to pay it himself. So Theo has come in his stead. Doesn’t mean she’s one bit happy about it. But then Theo hasn’t been happy about anything since her mother died.

    Turns out, Theo’s sharp wit and brash attitude are the breath of fresh air Robin didn’t know he needed, and the two somehow hit it off. But when his trust issues and her secrets collide, their budding feelings for each other are threatened with extinction.

    Can Robin learn to trust a woman who’s kept her true identity hidden her whole life? Will it even matter if Theo thinks he’s the beast everyone believes him to be? Or will love give them both a brand-new start?

    ©2020 Kristen Painter (P)2020 Kristen Painter

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