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  • Montrose Paranormal Academy: The European Conspiracy

  • Montrose Paranormal Academy, Book 3
  • De : Barbara Hartzler
  • Lu par : Natasha Soudek
  • Durée : 10 h et 38 min

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Couverture de Montrose Paranormal Academy: The European Conspiracy

Montrose Paranormal Academy: The European Conspiracy

De : Barbara Hartzler
Lu par : Natasha Soudek
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    There's a war in Europe. Everyone in the Three Societies must choose sides. I know whoses side I'm on. My own.

    Joining forces with the Guardians might be a huge mistake. But I'll do anything to find the last three rubies . . . And destroy them.

    The moment my plane touches down in Vienna, I'm in for a world of trouble. The Three Societies are divided into two factions, and you must choose a side. Just when I finally find love, my boyfriend and I are separated by our affiliations. And my ex keeps hanging around like there's something still between us.

    At least this time I get to fight alongside my long lost brother. Joining my brother's squad is a dream come true. I develop some cool Seer powers along the way, and figure out how to harness them to my advantage. Finally.

    When new players emerge and the final Chosen One surfaces, it's hard to tell who to trust.

    I already lost my best friend the last time I obliterated one of the precious Nexis stones. Now's the time to find all three of the remaining rubies . . . And vaporize them before Nexis kills any more of my friends. Or family.

    I have one mission—destroy the Nexis rubies at all costs. I just hope the price isn't too high.

    ©2020 Barbara Hartzler (P)2024 Tantor

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