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  • Montessori Toddler

  • A Parent Guide to Raising Happy Curious and Intelligent Children with 100 Tips and Ideas for Home
  • De : Filona Grenst
  • Lu par : Trish Elliot Galyna
  • Durée : 5 h et 56 min

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Montessori Toddler

De : Filona Grenst
Lu par : Trish Elliot Galyna
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    How can parents help their youngest children in their task of self-formation? How does the Montessori method of learning relate to the youngest toddlers?

    Without any doubts, toddlers can be either tricky or lovely. When my children were small, I felt that I was struggling to get them to do things (without using any punishment, of course!). Sometimes, the only alternative was to bribing, threatening, or putting them into time out.

    I always worked as a teacher in Montessori education. Montessori method, named for the Italian physician Maria Montessori, stresses the importance of the development of a healthy self-concept: “One becomes a well-balanced adult only if one has fully been a child.” 

    Montessori method is appropriate for all children as education can be considered as a preparation for life, not just a search for intellectual skills. Children have to work on their own self-development. It’s time to change the way we see toddlers. Based on Dr. Maria Montessori's instructions for raising infants, this accessible, authoritative, and useful Montessori bundle answers these and many other questions.

    Each section of this book is very practical and it is beautifully designed and written in a clear, engaging style to make it even easier to listen to. It doesn't matter if you are a busy parent, grandparent or brand-new to Montessori. Set up your home and get rid of the chaos, creating Montessori activities that are just right for your children.

    The book takes into consideration the following topics and more:

    1. Engaging curiosity in our child
    2. Raising a curious child and advantages of useful life exercises at home
    3. Discussing with child and encourage imagination
    4. Setting up Montessori home
    5. Knowing the importance of the home environment
    6. Including the child in day-by-day life
    7. Raising an inquisitive learner who loves exploring the world around them
    8. Using sensory exercises that assist children with learning 

    Turn your home into a Montessori home: Turn your life with children into a mutually rich and rewarding time of curiosity, learning, respect, and discovery. Once you listen to this audiobook, I am sure you will find something practical to try soon. The materials used in this book are designed to allow children to recognize their “own approach”, becoming responsible for their own learning. Children need more attentive, supportive, easygoing parents.

    So, are you ready to say good-bye to frustration? It’s time to learn to see through our toddler’s eyes. With this guide, you can turn your home into a Montessori home. 

    Do not hesitate! Buy now!

    ©2020 Elisa Taulotto (P)2020 Elisa Taulotto

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