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Couverture de Monstrous Nights

Monstrous Nights

De : Genoveva Dimova
Lu par : Tim Campbell, Zura Johnson
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    Dive into the breakneck conclusion to the Slavic folklore-inspired Witch's Compendium of Monsters duology, which began with Foul Days

    With her magic reclaimed and her role in the community of Chernograd restored, Kosara’s life should finally be back to normal—but, of course, things can’t possibly be that simple.

    She is now in possession of twelve witch’s shadows. Holding them may grant her unprecedented power, but that doesn’t mean they’re always willing to do her bidding.

    Across the wall in Belograd, Asen chases his only lead on the latest witch murder case. He follows the trail of smuggling kingpin Konstantin Karaivanov to an underground monster auction—which leads him right back to Chernograd.

    There, sinister events follow one after another: snow falls in midsummer, a witch with two shadows is found dead, and monsters that should only appear during the Foul Days are sighted. The barrier between worlds thins... and Kosara is certain it's her fault—and her job to fix.

    ©2024 Genoveva Dimova (P)2024 Macmillan Audio

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