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Couverture de Monsters in My House

Monsters in My House

De : Walt McKinley
Lu par : Walt McKinley
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    In tears as he sat on the witness stand at 16 testifying against his father, one of his many abusers that stole his childhood, Walt McKinley found the strength to fight for himself for the first time. In that life-changing moment, he made a promise to himself he would do whatever it took to take his power back, become a warrior of his abuse, and break the generational cycle forever.

    Moving 14 times in 16 years and overcoming tortuous abuse by the hands of every adult he came into contact with, Walt shows us no matter where you start, your history does not define your legacy.

    Monsters in My House is a true story of extremely shocking abuse and a child’s fight to stay alive. Walt’s grit, resiliency, empathy, and compassion shine through as he mounts one of life’s most triumphant comebacks, and shows us the unbreakable nature of the human spirit.

    Walt knew from an early age he needed to turn his pain into passion and shares his story of extreme abuse, steps to healing from trauma, and life success to inspire those still on their journeys to keep fighting.

    ©2022 Walter McKinley (P)2022 Walter McKinley

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