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  • Money and Sense: A Fun Guide to Financial Skills for Kids

  • Learn, Save, and Grow Your Wealth from an Early Age
  • De : WonderWork Junior
  • Lu par : Marcus Roberts
  • Durée : 3 h et 17 min

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Money and Sense: A Fun Guide to Financial Skills for Kids

De : WonderWork Junior
Lu par : Marcus Roberts
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    Instead of toys that break or end up forgotten, treat your child to money smarts that will serve them for years to come.

    Many parents overlook financial literacy. Yet, the earlier kids learn core money concepts, the better equipped they'll be for a lifetime of responsible financial decision-making.

    This book makes it easy to help your child learn about money with fun lessons, activities, and stories.

    Here’s a fraction of what you’ll discover inside:

    • How being smart with money doesn't mean cutting out all the fun – you'll beam with pride watching your child make smart spending choices that balance joy with responsibility
    • Low-risk, learning-rich entrepreneurial ventures they can start even before high school
    • Interactive activities that make dry financial concepts come to life and transform abstract ideas into concrete skills
    • The key to distinguishing needs from wants – soon, your kid will rethink those impromptu cash requests and see you as more than just a walking ATM!
    • Why your child is perfectly positioned to ace the exciting game of investing, even with just an allowance

    Give your kid a powerful head start on their future. Invest in their financial education – and they surely won’t forget the parent who made it all possible.

    ©2024 ggreen (P)2024 ggreen
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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