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Money Unmasked

De : Garrett B. Gunderson
Lu par : Garrett Gunderson
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    THE ANTIQUATED CONCEPTS of money, savings, and retirement are no longer valid. Tired advice—such as diversify; set it and forget it; and invest early, often, and always—has been tried, and it has failed. Rather than scrimping and saving or grinding and hustling while you wait for “someday” to come, you need a radically different and reliable approach to creating an exciting and compelling future without compromise.

    In Money Unmasked, Garrett Gunderson unveils the truth about making, keeping, and growing your money while enjoying life along the way. By tapping into your Money Persona, you see beyond the constraints of scarcity to accelerate results, reduce risk, have more energy, and start making better financial decisions. Rather than trade time for money, or speculate and take risks, you will learn how to plug financial leaks, tap into hidden capital, and leverage the Cycle of Creation to profit up front and generate immediate cash flow.

    If you are ready to fully understand money, create wealth, and live a life you don’t want to retire from, it’s time for Money Unmasked.

    Garrett Gunderson is the author of nine books, including multiple Wall Street Journal best-sellers, with Killing Sacred Cows hitting number 1 and making the New York Times Best Sellers list. His book, What Would the Rockefellers Do? has been consistently among the top 5 titles in Amazon’s Wealth Management category since its publication.

    He is a speaker who uses entertainment to educate, with his keynote featuring elements of a play, and his one-man show further illustrating the principles contained in this book in an enjoyable and memorable way. Garrett’s comedy special, The American Ream, produced by Emmy-winner Marty Callner, breaks down all the myths about money through an original stand-up show he performs for corporate events.

    Garrett enjoys time at his cabin, especially one-on-one immersions with clients where he teaches them how to create their richest life.

    ©2023 RipWater (P)2024 RipWater Press

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