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  • Money Management for Teens

  • Master Financial Literacy, Understand how to Save More, Spend Less and Budget the Bank Account to Have Longevity and Wealth
  • De : Jermaine Gardner
  • Lu par : Corey Katona
  • Durée : 6 h et 15 min

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Money Management for Teens

De : Jermaine Gardner
Lu par : Corey Katona
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    Be financially savvy by the age of 18, even if you've never had a dollar in your pocket!

    Are you a teenager overwhelmed by the daunting concept of managing your own money?

    Do you find yourself constantly wrestling with the question of how to save more and spend less?

    Or perhaps you're a parent, eager to set your teen on the path to financial independence but unsure how.

    Financial literacy is seldom taught in schools, leaving many teens clueless about money matters, which can lead to poor financial habits later in life.

    But how about turning the tables around?

    With "The Skills Teens Need to Manage Their Money Wisely", you're about to discover how mastering the value of a dollar today can pay brilliant dividends tomorrow.

    In this insightful guide, you'll discover:

    The power of financial literacy and why every teenager should be equipped with it

    Unveiling the secrets of effective budgeting shared by successful millionaires

    Smart saving strategies that can supercharge your wealth-building journey

    Step-by-step techniques on how and where to invest your hard-earned money wisely

    The key to understanding credit scores and how it impacts your financial standing

    Eye-opening insights into digital currencies and what you must know before dabbling in them

    How you can translate your hobbies into a stream of side income

    Game-changing ways to avoid common financial pitfalls most teenagers fall into

    Proven methods to build a robust emergency fund while juggling everyday expenses

    How to shield your savings from mindless splurges and impulsive purchases

    Highlighting the most finance-friendly apps to transform your smartphone into a personal finance advisor

    Navigating your way towards smart, long-term investment planning

    The life-changing art of setting realistic financial goals and achieving them consistently

    ©2024 Jermaine Gardner (P)2024 Jermaine Gardner

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