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  • Money Books

  • How to Start a Profitable Self-Publishing Business in 21 Weeks
  • De : Cashius Lu
  • Lu par : Raven Ashborne
  • Durée : 4 h et 23 min

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Money Books

De : Cashius Lu
Lu par : Raven Ashborne
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    Have you been thinking about publishing a book for a while, but don’t want to deal with the exploitative nature of many publishers?

    Or maybe you’re just looking for a side hustle that once set up, generates income by itself.

    Either way, starting a self-publishing business has been the road to success for many entrepreneurs–especially since 2020.

    The benefits are obvious:

    • You have full control over the content and creative nature of your books.
    • You don’t need to share profits with greedy publishing companies that charge you for every email they wrote on your behalf.
    • You own your work and can repurpose and republish it as you like.

    Still, there are a few things new self-publishers need to be aware of.

    The self-publishing industry is at this point a multi-billion-dollar industry–and with that growth comes an overwhelming amount of sales platforms, ghostwriters, and marketing tools to choose from.

    Thankfully, this book will guide you through the entire process and provide you with everything you need to know so that you are ready to publish in just 21 weeks.

    Inside, you’ll discover:

    • Seven s.traightforward steps to a successful self-published book launch.
    • Keyword research: The secret weapon to drastically increase your book’s discoverability
    • The must-have document you need to prepare before you start writing your book–this will make writing so much easier.
    • The pros and cons of hiring a ghostwriter–and when it may make sense to write your book yourself.
    • The importance of compelling cover art and overall design for the success of your book.
    • How to draw potential buyers in with an intriguing book title and captivating description.
    • A bulletproof approach to the best distribution model and marketing strategy for your book.

    And much more.

    Self-publishing your first book can be intimidating and scary if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing. But with this guide, you don’t have to go in blind.

    Don’t miss out on the benefits of self-publishing–become an expert in your niche, make passive income for years to come, and create a legacy all from a few months of work.

    ©2023 Luis Nieto (P)2023 Luis Nieto

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