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Modern Savage

De : Peter Lewinton
Lu par : Peter Lewinton
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Darius Faus, the CEO of pharmaceutical giant Cathedral Capital, is an immensely rich and powerful man. Governments, chancellors of the exchequer, and senior police officers bow before him. Cathedral Capital’s massive financial success is based on the world’s most powerful system of artificial intelligence Blind Eye 5, which was developed in secret by Cathedral Capital, following its accidental discovery.

TT Davenport, a young analyst, uncovers serious illegal activity connected to Blind Eye 5, which, if generally known, would destroy Cathedral Capital and Darius Faus. Blind Eye 5, funded by government and aided organizations, develops a low-cost cure for malaria which Darius Faus holds back from the market to protect profits. Millions die as a result, but Darius Faus and his shareholders get rich. 

Using all the powers at his disposal, Darius Faus seeks to destroy TT Davenport to protect his global wealth and that of his ambitious wife Rebekah. On the verge of being destroyed by Darius Faus’s immensely superior resources, TT Davenport manages a lucky escape. TT Davenport then heads toward Grenada in the West Indies under sail, where the Blind Eye 5 artificial intelligence is based. He is looking for answers and the source of the information that started him on this dangerous journey.

With the help of ex-US Army helicopter pilot Stonor McNash, the beautiful Alicia Moreno, and a cast of other characters, a titanic David and Goliath battle ensues on the island of Grenada between Darius Faus and TT Davenport. 

The brutal final outcome of the story is delivered by powerful forces both Darius Faus and TT Davenport have unleashed, but neither can hope to control.

©2018 Peter Lewinton (P)2020 Peter Lewinton
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