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Couverture de Mister, Mister

Mister, Mister

De : Guy Gunaratne
Lu par : Guy Gunaratne
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    Idiot, poet, jihadist, son. Who is Yahya Bas? An exuberantly imaginative novel of Britishness and unbelonging from the prizewinning author of In Our Mad and Furious City.

    When Yahya Bas finds himself in a UK detention centre after fleeing the conflict in Syria, he has many questions to face.

    What was he doing in the desert? Why does he hate this country? Why did he write the incendiary verses which turned him into an online sensation and a media pariah?

    Mister, his interrogator, wants to keep him locked up. So he decides to tell his life story. On his own terms.

    Following a child that East Ham made who becomes the unwitting voice of a generation, Mister, Mister is also the story of a quest for a father and the discovery of another way to live in the shadow of war. Bracing, tender, exuberantly imaginative, this is a novel that only Guy Gunaratne could have written.

    ©2023 Guy Gunaratne (P)2023 Headline Publishing Group Ltd


    A quicksilver astonishment of a book, deft and devastating and completely original. Just read it (Kiran Millwood Hargrave)

    Gunaratne offers us the study of a young man navigating many identities while searching for security and selfhood. Mister, Mister is a modern testimony of the "British / other" subject as well as an invitation for us, readers, lovers of stories to be defined on our own terms. This is a vital novel of newness and nowness that testifies to the power of fiction that seeks truth (Raymond Antrobus)

    Guy Gunaratne's writing comes with big energy and empathy. Illuminated with evocative language and vivid storytelling, Mister Mister salutes belonging in the unbelonging: an essential read for these times (Salena Godden)

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