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Couverture de Mirror Work Works

Mirror Work Works

De : Greta Counts
Lu par : Linda Boston
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    Greta Counts believes the power of self-love is powerful. This book offers a holistic approach to build a loving relationship with the most important person you will ever meet—you.

    Looking as far back as 1998, it is clear that her discipline and commitment to the daily practice of the mirror technique has and continues to transform her life exponentially.

    Greta says, “Using mirror work, I became more self-aware and learned to love the unlovable parts of myself. Without realizing it, I became my own best friend. Building an up close and personal with myself using mirror work has not only improved my relationship with me, it has also enhanced my relationship with God and others. I have written this book in hopes that you too will enjoy the benefits it brings.”

    The Mirror Work technique is a wonderful power tool that you can use to change how you see yourself and create a more loving relationship with yourself and others. Mirror Work lifts the veils of illusion about your unworthiness, feelings of insecurity, inferiority, and inadequacy. It diminishes the imposter syndrome and reveals the love already within you. Ultimately, you will see yourself through loving eyes and begin to practice unconditional self-love, self-acceptance, and self-compassion. This process will open you to be more receptive to love and you will find it easier to love and accept others unconditionally.

    As a transformational coach, she has observed the power that loving yourself can have on your relationships with life and others. She has watched its positive effect in the lives of her clients, and she has certainly experienced it herself.

    ©2022 Greta Counts (P)2023 Greta Counts

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