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Miracles on My Doorstep

De : Linda Kaye, Lorraine Snider-Hanley
Lu par : Linda Kaye, Fred Snider
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At 90 years old and blind, Lorraine decided there was never a better time to get started as a writer. Juggling career, marriage, motherhood, and staying a vibrant senior demands constant skill upgrading. Lorraine’s early childhood development expertise, for instance, was perfected during her 81 months of pregnancy.

As a first generation of Russian immigrant parents, Lorraine’s daily walk with God is a testament to her belief and love-filled life. She says, “Hope is not a plan, but it is a promise that’s given when faith and belief become action.” Throughout her life, her faith has never wavered.

With nine children, never-ending sibling rivalry, competing for attention and affection, bickering, or wanting to be first in line, wears a mother out. You cry, laugh it off, or figure out how to deal with it. God either had a plan or a sense of humor. She says having faith doesn’t eliminate challenges.

Lorraine’s book is a masterpiece and is an inspiration to us all - widowed at 44, with four minor children, single-parent dating, losing children, even going blind at 87, never changed God’s plan, or Lorraine’s faith, as each provocative chapter reveals.

©2021 Linda Kaye International, Inc. (P)2021 Linda Kaye International, Inc.
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