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Couverture de Miracles in the Naked Light

Miracles in the Naked Light

De : Kimberly Braun
Lu par : Kimberly Braun
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    One simple yes can transform your life forever.

    Discover the mesmerizing true story where a young Carmelite monastic nun finds herself at the center of an extraordinary project that inspired countless hearts to contribute their own gifts of heart, skill, time, and resources.

    Unveil the secrets of grace, love, and insight as you witness Sister Annunciata's (Kimberly Braun) life-changing journey filled with twists and turns. From a 17,000-square-foot monastery rising with beauty and strength to the profound beauty of consciousness taking form, this captivating story will challenge your perceptions and make you question what's truly possible.

    Join Kimberly as she delves into the essence of human experience, where openness, humanness, and devoted love pave the way for the miraculous. Miracles in the Naked Light is more than just a book: It's a mirror that reflects the Ineffable Source moving through every aspect of life.

    Get ready to explore the boundless power of saying yes and embark on a soul-stirring adventure that will leave you forever changed. Are you ready to embrace the extraordinary? Download this audiobook and find out.

    ©2023 Kimberly Braun (P)2023 GracePoint Matrix, LLC

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