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Couverture de Mindful Metamorphosis

Mindful Metamorphosis

De : Michele Schalin
Lu par : Michele Schalin
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    Unlocking your potential has never been easier! Release your hidden powers and discover the depths of self-love, healing, and inner transformation with Mindful Metamorphosis. After a lifetime of suffering from chronic anxiety, low self-worth, and running from painful emotions, I learned to embrace my pain to heal. I started untangling my negative thought patterns and releasing all that toxic energy within me, putting me on a mind-blowing and ultimately joyful journey of self-discovery a true and beautiful awakening, like being given an entirely new life. I'm bursting with enthusiasm to share my experiences and insights so you can unlock the same power!

    Instead of connecting to our true selves and believing we are worthy, we often search for external validation, seeking love, acceptance, or security from the approval of others. By discovering who you truly are and investing time into appreciating and loving your authentic self, you tap into an inner strength that renders you impervious to external influences beyond your control. Learn effective techniques for cultivating self-love, healing from trauma, controlling your thoughts, regulating emotions, and changing subconscious beliefs. Ultimately transforming the way you think and feel about yourself, empowering you to manifest the life of your dreams.

    The book is also available in Spanish under the title: "Metamorfosis Consciente: Una guía compasiva hacia la transformación interior.

    ©2023 Michele Schalin (P)2024 Michele Schalin

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