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  • Mind Mapping

  • Take Control of Your Memory to Improve Concentration, Organization, and Creativity by Time Management
  • De : Daniel Lewis
  • Lu par : Sam Logsdon
  • Durée : 3 h et 6 min

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Mind Mapping

De : Daniel Lewis
Lu par : Sam Logsdon
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    Discover a wonderful technique called Mind mapping! 

    Mind maps are an amazing organizational and creativity tool that can improve memory, concentration, communication, organization, creativity, and time management. The natural organized structure of a mind map makes it an incredibly effective method of presentation that is completely in sync with the way your mind works! 

    Mind mapping is the ultimate resource on the topic of mind maps. In a short time, it can enhance your skills in reading, writing, learning, note-taking, brainstorming, planning, productivity, and so much more. 

    This audiobook will give you: 

    • How to dramatically increase your reading speed and improve your memory  
    • Benefit from the mind mapping concept  
    • Mind mapping and concept mapping software leaders  
    • Speed reading book analysis process  
    • Brainstorming and ideation  
    • And much more

    With mind mapping, this radical form of visual planning will help you go beyond what you’ve ever imagined.  

    It’s time to hack your way to success with mind maps. 

    Designed to be original, innovative, and free-thinking, this technique can be used to improve any situation! 

    If you’re ready to unlock the secrets to your success buy Mind Mapping and change your life!

    ©2020 Daniel Lewis (P)2020 Daniel Lewis

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