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Couverture de Mind Is the Master

Mind Is the Master

De : James Allen
Lu par : Samuel Casey, Jason McCoy
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    This collection of works by James Allen brings together four of his most influential and inspiring books: "As a Man Thinketh," "Eight Pillars of Prosperity," "From Poverty to Power," and "The Mastery of Destiny." James Allen, a pioneer in the self-help movement, offers profound insights into the power of thought, the principles of success, and the path to personal growth and fulfillment.

    In "As a Man Thinketh," Allen explores the profound impact of thoughts on one's life, emphasizing that a person's mind is the master of their destiny. "Eight Pillars of Prosperity" delves into the foundational principles essential for achieving true success and prosperity, such as energy, economy, and integrity. "From Poverty to Power" provides a guide for transforming one's life from adversity and hardship to prosperity and peace through positive thinking and personal effort. Finally, "The Mastery of Destiny" offers wisdom on overcoming life's challenges and shaping one's future through self-discipline and determination.

    This collection is a treasure trove of timeless wisdom and practical advice, making it an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to improve their life and achieve their highest potential.

    ©2024 Quill Publishing (P)2024 Quill Publishing

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