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  • Mind Control Techniques

  • The Complete Guide on How to Master the Art of Mind Control. Improve Significantly Your Personal Relationships and Partnership Skills.
  • De : William Hansen
  • Lu par : Andrew Doyle
  • Durée : 5 h et 6 min

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Mind Control Techniques

De : William Hansen
Lu par : Andrew Doyle
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    Do you want to learn how to become a master of the art of mind control? If yes, then keep reading!

    We humans are the most intelligent species of animals on the planet; yet, we have forgotten the most effective tool of communication - our bodies. In our focus on the spoken, on clever words and witty replies, we have neglected the power of the non-verbal. Our bodies are capable of a range of complex interactions and displays that transcend language and, to some extent, bridge cultures too. Body language or non-verbal communication creates an effective system that clarifies communication and enriches the interactions that we enjoy with other people.

    This audiobook covers:

    • Mind control
    • The process of mind control
    • Mind control-techniques
    • Signs that you’re being manipulated
    • Factors that make you vulnerable to mind control
    • Human reasoning
    • Understand people using emotional intelligence
    • How to persuade people
    • And much more!

    In a world of deceit and lies, it has become incumbent on all of us to catch up and learn a few tricks of the trade. None of us can survive solely on the basis of honesty and hard work. While such characteristics are admirable and worthy of praise, you also need to know how to make your way around, over and under people, and make sure they’re not doing that to you without your knowledge.

    You will also have information presented to you that will help you determine whether you are being manipulated in any way. You will finally have the kind of control in your life that people who have learned not to be victims have. Best of all, you’ll know whether or not someone is trying to get inside your head in order to have their way with you.  

    Buy now!

    ©2020 William Hansen (P)2020 William Hansen

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