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Couverture de Miles from Nowhere

Miles from Nowhere

De : Barbara Savage
Lu par : Nan McNamara
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    This is the story of Barbara and Larry Savage's sometimes dangerous, often zany, but ultimately rewarding 23,000-mile global bicycle odyssey, which took them through 25 countries in two years. Miles from Nowhere is an adventure not to be missed!

    Along the way, these near-neophyte cyclists encountered warmhearted strangers eager to share food and shelter, bicycle-hating drivers who shoved them off the road, various wild animals (including a roof ape and an attack camel), sacred cows, rock-throwing Egyptians, overprotective Thai policeman, motherly New Zealanders, meteorological disasters, bodily indignities, and great personal joys. The stress of traveling together constantly for two years tested and ultimately strengthened the young couple's relationship.

    As their trip ends, you'll find yourself yearning for Barbara and Larry to mount back up and keep pedaling. It's a story that makes you feel like you've grown right along with the author.

    ©1983 Barbara Savage (P)2020 Tantor

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