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  • Mike Busch on Airplane Ownership, Volume 1

  • What Every Aircraft Owner Needs to Know About Selecting, Purchasing, Insuring, Maintaining, Troubleshooting, Modifying, and Flying Light Airplanes (Airplane Maintenance and Ownership, Book 3)
  • De : Mike Busch
  • Lu par : Justin Smallbridge, Mike Busch
  • Durée : 12 h et 30 min

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Couverture de Mike Busch on Airplane Ownership, Volume 1

Mike Busch on Airplane Ownership, Volume 1

De : Mike Busch
Lu par : Justin Smallbridge, Mike Busch
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Les membres Amazon Prime bénéficient automatiquement de 2 livres audio offerts chez Audible.

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    Mike Busch on Airplane Ownership is the much-awaited sequel to his previous books Manifesto and Engines. In this two-volume set, Busch distills his wisdom from his more than 50 years as an aircraft owner. He brings his refreshingly commonsense and often outside-the-box approach to every aspect of owning and operating a general aviation aircraft.

    Volume 1 covers selecting, purchasing, insuring, and maintaining an aircraft. Busch emphasizes that it is the aircraft owner—not his mechanics—who bears the regulatory responsibility for airworthiness. He discusses how to choose the right mechanic or shop and how to manage the maintenance they perform. Busch dissects the much-dreaded annual inspection, and how owners can keep it from spiraling out of control. He offers guidance about the all-important post-maintenance test flight, and how to deal with an owner’s worst nightmare: a mechanical breakdown far from home.

    Volume 2 (publication date Christmas 2019) covers the rules and regulations that every aircraft owner needs to know but is often not taught. It discusses owner-performed maintenance, troubleshooting techniques, aircraft modifications, twins, and resolving owner/mechanic disputes. It takes the reader on a guided tour through the various aircraft systems, discussing the operation, care and feeding of each one. It offers guidance on how to fly safely and efficiently, including leaning techniques, air-speed and altitude selection, and more. The volume concludes with Busch’s thoughts about the future of owner-flown general aviation and where we’re headed.

    If you own an aircraft (or want to), these books will be an invaluable addition to your aviation library.

    ©2019 Michael Busch (P)2024 Savvy Aviator, Inc.

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