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  • Migration and Family

  • Secrets to Sustainability for Culturally Diverse Families
  • De : Ephraim Osaghae
  • Lu par : Radostin Radev
  • Durée : 2 h et 24 min

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Migration and Family

De : Ephraim Osaghae
Lu par : Radostin Radev
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    Family in the context of migration and cultural diversity is rarely discussed at the gates of ideas today. Search Amazon or Google, and you’ll be amazed at how well we’ve avoided this subject. Yet, a happy home is critical to life abroad or anywhere for that matter.

    Australia resident Ephraim Osaghae has taken the lid off several hot migration topics in his books. Migration and Family is one of his best works.

    Few matters in life go deep, wide, and have a lasting impact like family. Ignoring what happens to the family unit means treating symptoms without removing the source of illness or cutting the branches without touching the roots.

    Drawing from the depth of researched insights and lived experiences, Ephraim:

    • Reveals critical links between immigration and multicultural families.
    • Presents a balanced view on the interconnections—the good, the challenges, and the lessons. 
    • Offers thriving tools and tips for fixing migrant and culturally diverse family issues.
    • Advocates better family-friendly immigration policies.
    • Provides some future projections and how culturally diverse families can position themselves for sustainability. 

    Ephraim is not shifting blames. He’s providing timely wisdom for multicultural individuals, families, and communities, as well as colleagues, neighbors, service providers, and other stakeholders. Pick this book and get one for someone. You’ll look back and thank yourself.

    ©2022 Ephraim Osaghae (P)2022 Ephraim Osaghae

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