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  • Mid-Life Career Rescue Series Box Set Books 1-3):The Call For Change, What Makes You Happy, Employ Yourself

  • How to Change Careers, Confidently Leave a Job You Hate, and Start Living a Life You Love
  • De : Cassandra Gaisford
  • Lu par : Cassandra Gaisford
  • Durée : 14 h et 32 min

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Mid-Life Career Rescue Series Box Set Books 1-3):The Call For Change, What Makes You Happy, Employ Yourself

De : Cassandra Gaisford
Lu par : Cassandra Gaisford
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    Practical, inspiring and empowering tips and strategies every career changer, job hunter, or aspiring business owner needs to know

    Amazon number one best-selling author and career expert Cassandra Gaisford (BCA, Dip Psych) provides simple but powerful and easy-to-implement ways to find or create a passion and purpose-driven business or career. Based on survey research, personal achievements and her professional expertise and success as a career and business start-up coach, Gaisford answers the question: how to do what you are passionate about, love your job, start a business and live more.

    Book One: The Call for Change, will help you:

    • Strengthen your creative, outside of the square, thinking skills to discover a job you love.
    • Flame the embers of inspiration and passion,
    • Overcome current stress and symptoms of burnout.

    Book Two: What Makes You Happy, will help you:

    • Explore and clarify your passions, interests, life purpose, values, transferable skills and natural gifts and talents.
    • Identify ways to beat any skills gaps.
    • Build a strong foundation for career happiness and success by identifying your criteria for job and life satisfaction.

    Book Three: Employ Yourself, will show you:

    • How to decide what to do and find an idea that will be successful
    • How to start a business with zero start-up capital and finance your career
    • How to escape the 9-5 drudge, live and work anywhere and join the new rich

    Quit feeling trapped. Reclaim your power! Find a job you love and finally live the life you want.

    The strategies in this book will also help job-hunters in their 20s, 30s, or 40s successfully change careers.

    ©2022 Blue Giraffe Publishing (P)2022 Blue Giraffe Publishing

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