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Couverture de Metatron: The Secret Grid

Metatron: The Secret Grid

De : Laurence St. John
Lu par : Felix Rodriguez
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    A Hero Is Evolved!

    Devastated and disheartened by the sudden death of his renowned karate instructor Jhoon, Tyler (a.k.a. Metatron) must take control over his emotions and heed the call of his girlfriend Kendall, who is in grave danger.

    While investigating the mysterious region of Tornado Alley, Metatron and his friend Lukas, along with his faithful dog Maxx, uncover a strange anomaly—one more disturbing than they ever could've imagined.

    Nonetheless, a new enemy arrives, along with an old adversary, and together, they threaten to destroy Metatron before he can accomplish his mission to expose the truth about a US government top-secret scandal–one that will scare the pants off the American public–that could possibly annihilate every living, breathing creature on the entire planet!

    Overwhelmed by the catastrophic events around him, Metatron loses faith in himself and wonders if he alone is enough to save humanity and beat back the overwhelming dark cloud of despair.

    Just as all hope seems lost, an unexpected companion arrives and shows him the way, restoring his faith. Together, with the help of his clandestine friends, Metatron has only minutes to spare before his enemies fulfill their diabolical plans.

    ©2021 Cosby Media Productions (P)2023 Cosby Media Productions

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