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Couverture de Message Received

Message Received

De : Mary Donohue
Lu par : Christina Delaine
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    According to social scientist and award-winning CEO Dr. Mary Donohue, we communicate ineffectively at work a staggering 80 percent of the time! From the tone of an email to the almost-but-not-quite eye contact of a video conference app, today's tech has increased the speed and scope of our communications - as well as the opportunities to misunderstand each other completely. This lack of effective communication is a leading cause of workplace stress.

    In this widely anticipated and deeply researched book, Dr. Donohue, a victim of workplace stress herself, lays out a seven-step solution to give you the tools you need to make communication a cure for workplace stress, not a cause - even (especially) when you're working with a generationally diverse team. Discover what's at the root of the problem - from misunderstood emails and misinterpreted texts to misconstrued social media posts and missed social cues on Zoom - and learn how to respond to different communication preferences now. 

    Through case studies, evidence-backed research, and more, you'll walk away with the tools you need to ensure everyone on your team - yourself included - is heard and understood, so there's less time clarifying and more time for everyone to be their best, most productive selves.

    ©2021 Dr. Mary Donohue (P)2021 McGraw Hill

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