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Couverture de Mesagan's Gathering

Mesagan's Gathering

De : Kate Labahn
Lu par : Ryan Haugen
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    Mesagan, immortal son of the God of Light Susegi and the Goddess of Love Unacoria, was born with the gift of foresight. But one thing his parents taught him was that the future is always changing, affected by one’s choices in the present.

    It has been three months since the events of Cole’s Hunt and only nineteen years since Mesagan told Deucalion “Cal,” the light wolf he loves, “See you in twenty-eight years.” Mesagan met Rislucian, Cal’s young son from a previous relationship during the events of Cole’s Hunt for a reason. When Rislucian, who accepts Mesagan, leads the second most powerful God on Sinuatollion back to the cave he and his father call home, they discover Deucalion had been in a fight and is surrounded by monkshood, which has put him in an enchanted sleep.

    Mesagan and Rislucian embark on a journey to find answers—who attacked Cal, why did they robe him in monkshood, and how can they break the sleeping spell placed on the light wolf they both love. They will encounter old friends and enemies, and Mesagan soon realizes that this is one time when the second most powerful god must ask for help. Facing an intelligent foe, the greatest help will come from the most unexpected and unlikely source. Facing terrible odds and sacrifice, Mesagan must answer the question… how far would you go to be reunited with the person you love?

    ©2024 Kate Labahn (P)2024 Kate Labahn

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