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Couverture de Merseybeast


De : Ian McNabb
Lu par : Ian McNabb
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    Ian McNabb is one of the finest singer-songwriters Britain has produced over the past 30 years.

    From his innocent first steps into the music business via the working men's social clubs in the mid-1970s to his success on the world stage in the 1980s and beyond, join him on a rock and roller-coaster ride.

    Ian's audiobook edition is told as if you were sitting down with him over a drink and is an exhilarating, exciting, frequently hilarious account of his hits and misses, written with astonishing frankness.

    Ian McNabb is a Mercury Prize-nominated artist who got to play with many of his childhood heroes. This is an audiobook for anyone who ever wanted to know what happens when you (almost) get everything you ever wanted.

    I started writing this book in 2006, and I finished it two years later. Some interesting things happened in this time period which I decided to leave out in order to facilitate a punchy start to my next literary effort, which will appear in the not too distant future. I'm not sure exactly when because I have a lot of music to make as well.

    Some people have asked me if I have updated the text or changed anything from the book. Had my viewpoint or opinion altered over the years? Well no, no, yes and no. I could have fiddled around with the text and made myself appear a bit more mature and not so petulant, but that's how I was. I probably still am.

    The two types of comments I had from friends and associates were: 'Am I in it?' and 'Why aren't I in it?' At least one major friend featured in this audiobook refuses to speak to me anymore, but the ones I thought would be the most put out are still close to me.... I guess that makes them true friends?

    I found it very interesting and sometimes a little uncomfortable having to read this aloud in a studio nearly a decade after I wrote it, but here it is in all its honesty. I hope you enjoy it. If you have read the book I think it will sound fresh in this audiobook edition. If you haven't then I think you're in for a treat. Thanks for caring.

    Ian McNabb. Liverpool, September 2017.

    ©2018 Ian McNabb (P)2018 Balloon View Publishing Ltd

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