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Couverture de Mermaid Island

Mermaid Island

De : Ayokunle Mathew Akinbi
Lu par : Jen Palastro
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    Dive into a world of magic and wonder with "Mermaid Island: A Splashy Adventure," a captivating collection of bedtime stories that will enchant young listeners and transport them to a fantastical island filled with mermaids, hidden treasures, and thrilling adventures. Perfect for children who love the sea and dream of underwater adventures, this book is brimming with vivid descriptions and sensory details that bring each tale to life.

    Join Lila, a curious and adventurous eight-year-old, as she discovers a shimmering, mysterious island while exploring the beach near her grandparents' seaside cottage. Guided by a magical rainbow-colored shell, Lila meets Coral, a beautiful mermaid with a sparkling tail and a heart full of kindness. Together, they embark on a series of unforgettable adventures, making friends with playful dolphins, wise sea turtles, and other enchanting sea creatures.

    Each chapter of this book unfolds a new and exciting tale:

    • The Discovery of Mermaid Island: Lila's first glimpse of the hidden, magical island.
    • The Magic Shell: The enchanting shell that leads Lila to her new mermaid friend, Coral.
    • Meeting Coral and the Mermaid Clan: Lila's introduction to the mermaid community and their dazzling underwater palace.
    • The Secret of the Hidden Lagoon: A mystical lagoon where wishes come true.
    • Dolphin Friends and Sea Turtle Rides: Joyful adventures with ocean friends.
    • The Enchanted Underwater Garden: A vibrant, colorful paradise beneath the waves.
    • The Mysterious Pearl Cave: An exploration of a cave filled with glowing pearls.
    • Ocean Dance Party: A magical night of music and dance under the sea.
    • The Storm and the Lost Seahorse
    ©2024 Ayokunle Mathew Akinbi (P)2024 Ayokunle Mathew Akinbi
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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