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Merlin the Mage

De : Steven Brown
Lu par : Brychan Llyr Jones
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Burdened by the weight of his being, a young boy takes the journey of being something more than he was created to be—the spawn of Satan, shaping his destiny by becoming a bridge between the worlds of darkness and light. No man, no matter how powerful, can ever change what has been written in his destiny, but the gifts he possesses and the choices he makes will, in time, father a legend.

The legend of Merlin contemplates a man’s decision to go after the legacy of his father or rise above it. But where does the truth lie for Merlin? Is it fate or fable? Was he the dark life of the evil magician, creating kings and destroying kingdoms? Was he the dark mage who switched sides to assist King Arthur on all his adventures? Or were these merely the misadventures of a neglected boy being led to a fated demise?

Merlin the Mage reveals the events that lead to the downfall of King Arthurs’s reign from the words of the mysterious mage himself. It portrays the story of the man who did the impossible.

©2023 Steven Brown (P)2023 Steven Brown
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