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  • Mentored for Good

  • My Life Changing Lessons from Life Changing Leaders (Mentored from Above)
  • De : Keith Lilek
  • Lu par : Tom Gallegher
  • Durée : 3 h et 7 min

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Mentored for Good

De : Keith Lilek
Lu par : Tom Gallegher
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    Are you happy with who you have become? I am. But I didn't get here by myself. I am the beneficiary of many God-inspired mentors placed throughout my life. Do you remember who lifted you up at various times in your life? Who inspired you to actively change your course? Do you remember what they taught you? I do. I remember. I remember them all.

    Mentored for Good is the story of how a willing mentee was shaped and molded by the mentoring he received all throughout his life and how his character was shaped to the benefit of all those he came in contact with. Life's struggles. Life's uncertainties. How can we succeed? How can we be better at anything we want to try? All too often we don't take advantage of those creative people all around us who are willing to share their stories, their actions, and their solutions. It's hard to go through this life alone. But there are many people we come in contact with that can and do inspire us to live more fruitful lives if we are open to it.

    In Mentored for Good, the author revisits the lessons taught to him in sonnet form that captures the impact each lesson has had on him, his friends and family, and hopefully his readers.

    ©2021 Keith Lilek (P)2024 Keith Lilek

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