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  • Men!

  • Forget the Fiction! Where Are the Interesting and Available Men?
  • De : Isabel Losada
  • Lu par : Isabel Losada
  • Durée : 11 h et 33 min

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De : Isabel Losada
Lu par : Isabel Losada
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    Fast, hard-hitting, funny, and honest, this is the book that answers the question that all women discuss every day: "Where are the interesting and available men?" 

    Forget the fiction. This is not self help or a dating manual - this is Men! - controversial, sassy, and very entertaining - Michael Moore meets real life Bridget Jones. Best-selling author Isabel Losada throws herself (literally) into all male environments to learn about how different 'Men!' are from women. From learning to be a plumber and riding a Harley to interviewing psychologists and dating hosts, every part will have listeners smiling and learning about the males of the species and about themselves. 

    How do you define an 'interesting' man? (or woman?) How are male and female brains different? What do the richest men in the city and the builders on the building sites want of women? This is not a book for women who think that finding a man is the solution to their problems; rather it is an intelligent, controversial, and often hilarious journey through modern life and relationships by a unique and well-loved author.

    ©2007 Isabel Losada (P)2020 Isabel Losada

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