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  • Melody's Christmas

  • Heartwarming Holidays Sweet Romance, Book 1
  • De : ID Johnson
  • Lu par : Almond Eastland
  • Durée : 8 h et 16 min

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Melody's Christmas

De : ID Johnson
Lu par : Almond Eastland
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    Can Christmas magic help her hear the music again?


    Melody Murphy shared her love of music with her father, but after tragically losing him on Christmas Eve two years ago, she no longer has any interest in music or Christmas. She returns to her hometown of Charles Town, West Virginia, to help her mother save the family antique business, content to stay focused on her work.

    However, when a chance encounter with an adorable five-year-old leads her to befriend an attractive single dad, Melody begins to realize she's been putting her life on hold - something her father would've never wished for her.

    Will she learn to hear the song in the falling snow again?


    Reid has recently moved to Charles Town to start over after his wife walked out, leaving him alone to raise their son Michael. When Michael decides he needs Melody Murphy in his life, Reid needs to find out what it is that has his son drawn to the young woman like a magnet.

    The closer he gets to Melody, the more he begins to believe he might get a second chance at love, after all. 

    This is a sweet contemporary romance with Christian themes, perfect for holiday reading.

    ©2017 ID Johnson (P)2020 ID Johnson

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