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Couverture de Megacroc: Origins

Megacroc: Origins

De : Julian Michael Carver
Lu par : Khai Lannor
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    On her graduation night at a high school in South Florida, Perry Baldwin is dragged unwillingly along with five former high school peers on an adventure that she will soon regret. Lured down to the Everglades with the promise of drugs, the graduates unknowingly set off a horrific chain of events that will pit them against one of history's deadliest coastal predators. Cut off from escape, Perry is faced with not only the terrors that await in the swamp, but also the deteriorating mental state of her group as the teenagers struggle to reach society in time - or die trying.

    MEGACROC: Origins is the prequel to the 2020 hit novel, MEGACROC. In this explosive teen-scream entry into the series, uncover the events taking place immediately before the Deinosuchus terrorized the residents of the notorious Sunset Ridge housing plan.

    ©2022 Severed Press (P)2024 Severed Press

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