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Couverture de Meet Ella

Meet Ella

De : James Middleton
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    When he was a child, James Middleton wanted nothing more than a dog of his own.

    Struggling to connect in the classroom, James would often take off in pursuit of nature and animals - adventuring in the Berkshire countryside, tinkering with rusty farm machinery, performing locum care to injured creatures, and losing himself for hours to the outdoors.

    Then, finally, his pleas for a dog (made via handwritten letters to his parents) were answered.

    Meet Ella traces the extraordinary bond between James and his beloved first pup, Ella. From their enchanting introduction when James was just twenty and their many expeditions, from Scottish mountain sides to royal weddings, their journey is marked by love, loyalty, and unexpected twists of fate. Ella, the well-mannered and kind-natured companion, accompanied James everywhere, even playing a pivotal role in introducing him to his future wife, Alizee.

    But beyond the glamorous veneer of society engagements and entrepreneurial achievements lies a deeply personal account of James' battle with depression. Through unconditional love, Ella emerges as an intuitive friend, reading James' moods and offering solace during his darkest hours, becoming the catalyst for his healing journey, and helping him to see all the good in his life and future.

    Touching, honest and life affirming, Meet Ella is both devastating and wonderfully heartwarming. A love letter to man's best friend, and a beacon of hope to anyone struggling through hard times.

    ©2024 James Middleton (P)2024 Orion Publishing Group Limited

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