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  • Mediterranean Diet for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Living a Healthy Mediterranean Lifestyle with Easy Mediterranean Recipes for Weight Loss

  • De : Johanna Nicole Green
  • Lu par : Kenzy S. Taha
  • Durée : 4 h et 9 min

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Mediterranean Diet for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Living a Healthy Mediterranean Lifestyle with Easy Mediterranean Recipes for Weight Loss

De : Johanna Nicole Green
Lu par : Kenzy S. Taha
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    You are about to discover the specific steps you should take to adopt the world’s healthiest diet, the Mediterranean diet, the right way, to lose weight, optimize your health, and literally transform your life, for good!

    The Mediterranean diet has emerged top on the list of the healthiest weight loss diets consistently for a reason; it is not just a diet that is extremely healthy but also one that you can adopt as a lifestyle for the rest of your life to cement its benefits.

    Research published in the Harvard School of Public Health journal suggests that the foods that make up the Mediterranean diet are effective at not only reducing cardiovascular disease but also lowering fat increase and boosting fat loss. Another study published in the National Institutes of Health asserts that a proper adherence to the standard Mediterranean diet leads to long term positive weight changes and improved overall health, owing to the nature of the foods that characterize the diet. This means that to lose weight and improve your health for the long term, there really isn’t any need to go through any trouble when you can simply adopt the Mediterranean diet and get that and more!

    But even so, I’m sure you’re thinking, "Yeah...yeah...that sounds simple, but what does this Mediterranean diet entail? How does it work, especially in weight loss? What is the best way to follow such a diet?" If you have these and other related questions, this audiobook answers them all in simple, straightforward language. More precisely, the audiobook will teach you:

    • The basics of the Mediterranean diet, including what it is and what it entails
    • How to live a healthier lifestyle with this diet
    • The pros and cons of the diet
    • How the Mediterranean diet can benefit you
    • The research behind the diet

    How to adopt the diet by following the most delicious Mediterranean friendly recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, and dessert...and much, much more!

    ©2020 Johanna Nicole Green (P)2020 Johanna Nicole Green

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