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Couverture de Meditation - Breath, Heart & Light

Meditation - Breath, Heart & Light

De : Gillian Ross
Lu par : Gillian Ross
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    Dr Gillian Ross guides the listener through deep relaxation practices bringing peacefulness and calm. Destress and unwind with this beautiful sudiobook accompanied by soothing musical tracks.  

    The three practices in this audiobook are suitable for both experienced and inexperienced meditators and for people of any religious or spiritual persuasion.  

    Gillian’s soothing voice takes you into a space of deep inner stillness and healing. 

    In the first meditation you calm your mind by focussing on the movement of your breath in your belly. 

    In the second your focus becomes your heart.  

    The third meditation builds on the other two and, with the help of subtle sound vibration, guides you into a profound mystical connection with an inner source of light and love. 

    Track listing: 

    1. Breath Awareness Meditation 
    2. Hearth Awakening Meditation 
    3. Chakra Meditation.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio on our Desktop Site.

    ©2019 Australian Broadcasting Corporation. (P)2013 Australian Broadcasting Corporation


    "Gillian’s meditations are superb! They lead me into a deep stillness. I actually notice a smile on my face while listening and they ease me into a smoother and more light-hearted day." [(Rev.) Frances Curtis Barnhart]

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