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Couverture de Mean Spirited

Mean Spirited

De : Nick Roberts, Crystal Lake Publishing, Crystal Lake Audio
Lu par : Spencer Dillehay
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    An alcoholic teacher and father’s world spirals out of control when a former student is killed and he is left with her dog and the dark presence that follows it.

    Matt Matheny teaches during the day, drinks at night, and barely hides his functioning alcoholism from his veterinarian ex-wife, Lucy, and his six-year-old son, Mikey. His world spirals out of control when a former student is killed, and he's left with her dog, Conehead. But something isn't right with Conehead. A dark presence follows him, and very soon, people around him die. Matt realizes the only way to protect his son is to sober up and work with Lucy to expose the dog’s mysterious past and face a secret so shocking—an evil so relentless—that it threatens to unleash hell on an entire town.

    Proudly represented by Crystal Lake Publishing—Tales from the Darkest Depths

    ©2024 Crystal Lake Audio (P)2024 Crystal Lake Audio


    "Taut, disturbing, and undeniably heartwrenching, Mean Spirited is a breakneck horror-thriller that pits compassion against survival. The plot is as thought-provoking as it is terrifying, and exposes the depth of soul Roberts pours into his work.”—Felix Blackwell, author of Stolen Tongues

    "There's fun-scared, there's maybe-I-leave-the-lights-on scared, and then there's . . . whatever Mean Spirited does to you, which I guess I would call "don't be alone"-scared. Nick Roberts really gets his claws into your head, with this one. Enter at your own risk. Wish I'd seen that sign, before reading this one. Wish I were sleeping, I mean."—Stephen Graham Jones, New York Times best-selling author of My Heart is a Chainsaw and The Only Good Indians

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