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Couverture de Mayhem


De : Aaron Oster
Lu par : Steve Campbell
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    Trapped in a new world. Targeted by everyone. He can either run, or embrace the mayhem!

    Ben finds himself stuck in the beta of Mayhem, forced to be an evil elf character by the system AI. Their race is universally hated due to their lust for destruction, bloodshed, and world domination, so, he’s understandably a bit irritated.

    His buddy Chip and his Rainbow Unicow Bessie, on the other hand, couldn’t be happier. Extreme violence is right up Chip’s alley and seeing as Bessie has gotten a taste for human flesh, she’s totally up for the bloodshed bit.

    The problem with being universally hated, however, is that there’s no one who will take you in. And with only one life, Ben doesn’t much relish the thought of losing it. But he doesn't have the luxury of hiding out in the safety of a major city as an evil elf. Everyone is after him–angry barbarians, villagers with torches and pitchforks, Halflings hopped up on cornstarch, and way too many weird monsters that have no right to exist!

    Don't miss the start of this hilarious, action-fest of a LitRPG adventure from Aaron Oster, bestselling author of We Hunt Monsters and End of the World.

    ©2024 Aethon Books (P)2024 Aethon Books

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