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Couverture de Maybe Tomorrow

Maybe Tomorrow

De : Michael Wood
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    Only available from Audible, a gripping psychological thriller from the author of the DCI Matilda Darke crime series. Perfect for fans of Stuart MacBride, Mark Billingham and Val McDermid.

    Will the truth prevail or will someone get away with murder?

    The morning after a ferocious storm, the body of a vulnerable teenage girl is found in the woods. The police are under pressure to find the killer and solve the tragedy but with thin evidence and no witnesses, the case is falling apart. Desperate to find this vicious murderer, they hunt high and low and eventually find their man: an outsider with no alibi. When the suspect confesses to the crime, it’s an open and shut case. But two women suspect foul play and dedicate their lives to working out what really happened, at all costs.

    Will justice be served for the girl whose life was stolen from her? Will the killer face the punishment they deserve? Will the truth come to light? The answers are devastating but maybe tomorrow they will be found.

    Although loosely inspired by a real case, this story and the characters portrayed are fictitious. No resemblance to any real person or organisation should be inferred.

    ©2024 Michael Wood (P)2024 Audible Ltd.

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