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Couverture de Maybe Maybe Marisol Rainey

Maybe Maybe Marisol Rainey

De : Erin Entrada Kelly
Lu par : Amielynn Abellera
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    "Utterly endearing!" —Annie Barrows, New York Times-bestselling author of the Ivy + Bean books

    "Hilarious and heart-melting." —Sara Pennypacker, New York Times-bestselling author of Pax

    Introducing eight-year-old Marisol Rainey—an irresistible new character from Newbery Medalist and New York Times–bestselling Erin Entrada Kelly!

    Maybe, Maybe Marisol Rainey is a novel about summer, friendship, and overcoming fears, told with warm humor and undeniable appeal. Fans of Clementine, The Year of Billy Miller, and Ramona the Pest will be thrilled to meet Marisol.

    Marisol Rainey's mother was born in the Philippines. Marisol's father works and lives part-time on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. And Marisol, who has a big imagination and likes to name inanimate objects, has a tree in her backyard she calls Peppina . . . but she's way too scared to climb it. This all makes Marisol the only girl in her small Louisiana town with a mother who was born elsewhere and a father who lives elsewhere (most of the time)—the only girl who's fearful of adventure and fun.

    Will Marisol be able to salvage her summer and have fun with Jada, her best friend? Maybe. Will Marisol figure out how to get annoying Evie Smythe to leave her alone? Maybe. Will Marisol ever get to spend enough real time with her father? Maybe. Will Marisol find the courage to climb Peppina? Maybe.

    Told in short chapters, Maybe, Maybe Marisol Rainey is a must-have for early elementary grade listeners. Erin Entrada Kelly celebrates the small but mighty Marisol, the joys of friendship, and the triumph of overcoming your fears in this stunning new novel for fans of Kevin Henkes, Meg Medina, Andrew Clements, Sara Pennypacker, and Kate DiCamillo.

    ©2021 Erin Entrada Kelly (P)2021 HarperCollins Publishers

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